The 34th International Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services
ORAHS 2008 will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from July 28 to August 1, 2008. This will be the first time in ORAHS history that the annual meeting venue is in North America. Appropriately, the theme is International Perspectives on Operations Research and Health Care. This conference will be a great opportunity to share ideas with fellow health care operation researchers from North America, Europe and the world. The conference will be held at the University of Toronto, one of the largest universities in Canada and North America. The University is also conveniently located near more than five large teaching hospitals, each of which conduct and encourage operations research within their facilities to continuously improve their patient care. When traveling to Toronto, some neighboring attractions around Toronto worth staying around for include: Niagara Falls, Algonquin Park, Ottawa, Tobermory.
Postato Lunedi 29 Ottobre 2007 - 16:49
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